I needed a replacement part because it was missing from the box. I contacted customer service. In less than 24 hours, my replacement part was mailed to me. The Blendi is a great blender that I use daily. The quality and customer service are fantastic. I'll have to get more Blendi blenders because my family keeps using mine.
I received my Blendi as a gift when I was on vacation. I did not try it out for over a month because I was not at home. I could not get it to charge. After a few more weeks I contacted the company and they said I could order one replacement part for no cost. I had to email them and explain what I thought might be wrong (I didn't know what part to order). I thought maybe it might be the cord connection. Customer service suggested it was probably the base unit, so I ordered that. It took about another month to get that, but the blendi still did not work. So I ordered the a new cord which I had to pay for. This also took several weeks to come. My unit is working now, but going through all of this was not worth it I suggest buying it in a store where you can return it immediately if it does not work.
I absolutely love my BLENDi. It blends everything so well. I love that I can take it anywhere